
Lecture Title HTML PDF Rmd
Lecture 0 An introduction to BIOF 439 HTML Rmd
Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 2 Starting DataViz using R: ggplot2 HTML Rmd
Lecture 3 A quick tour of R HTML PDF Rmd
Lecture 5 A sampling of bioinformatics using R HTML Rmd
Lecture 6 Putting it together HTML Rmd
Lecture 7 Final comments HTML Rmd

Lecture One (April 3, 2019)

In this lecture, we’ll start a discussion about data visualization. We will also start using R and R Markdown on RStudio Cloud. We will work on a template notebook that I’ve shared with you on RStudio Cloud, and you can expand on that during class and as we move through the course.


Pre-class survey

Lecture 2 (April 17, 2019)

In this lecture we’ll start learning ggplot2, the concepts of layering and piping, and how to create your own theme


Links to ggplot2 resources.

Lecture 3 (April 24, 2019)

In this lecture we’ll spend most of our time learning various aspects of R, and then how that can help with graphics.

Slides (Rmd)


Lecture 4 (May 1, 2019)

In this lecture we’ll explore some visualizations commonly used in bioinformatics

Slides (Rmd)

Lecture 5


Lecture 6

We will go through a flexdashboard example found here, with the final product found here

Final project

Please create a project in RStudio Cloud and share with me. Let me know what the final product is (HTML/PPT/Word), and I’ll figure out how to put it together for the presentations on the last day.