Fixing Humpty Dumpty: Breaking and repairing a data set

Context This is an exercise in breaking up and putting a data set back together. The second part is what I want to show, but the first part is an interesting exercise by itself Breaking up a data set We want to take a dataset, and split it up into separate datasets, each of which will contain the index column and another column, and will be named after the name of this second column.

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Running many t-tests

Suppose you have an expression dataset, and want to run t-tests for several genes/probes comparing two conditions. We can use tidyverse concepts to do this. First, let’s get some data. # BiocManager::install('affydata') data(Dilution, package = 'affydata') eset <- mas5(Dilution) # pre-proccessing dat <- exprs(eset) # extract expressions Dat <- %>% rownames_to_column('sample') %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(scanner = as_factor(pData(Dilution)$scanner)) %>% # Add "scanner" from phenoData select(sample, scanner, everything()) # Re-order columns Now, this dataset has 12625 probesets, and we want to run a t-test on each one, comparing the scanner types (which are of two types).

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Function documentation

Writing functions We learned how to write functions in class this week. As a reminder, a function takes a particular structure, starting with the keyword function. In RStudio, if you type fun [TAB] (i.e., type fun and then hit the tab key), you get the following function scaffolding: name <- function(variables) { } name is the name of the function, the inputs/arguments go inside the (), and the lines of code that comprise the function go between the {} in separate lines.

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Installing rJava for R on the Mac

Introduction There are several R packages that link to or use Java, and so there exists a link between R and Java throught the rJava package. The rJava package is notoriously finicky to install in R, given the quirks of the Mac OS X system, Java, and R. In fact general advice is that, if you can avoid using rJava, do. It is a conundrum that even the most experienced R hands would like to avoid.

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Summarize outcomes into new variables

An example Suppose you have a fairly detailed set of outcomes for cause of death. You want to summarize these outcomes into categories and create new variables indicating whether a person’s death could be attributed to a particular category or not. For example, suppose deaths from fentanyl are recorded as one of: Fentanyl Intoxication Fentanyl and Morphine Intoxication Combined Drug Intoxication (Heroin, Cocaine and Fentanyl) Fentanyl-involved These are all possiblities in your dataset under a variable Cause_of_death.

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