The World Health Organization provides detailed data on various population health indicators in an Open Data environment. The R package WHO allows you to access that data directly from R. Install this package using install.packages('WHO').

The package has a nice vignette, which can be accessed using library(WHO); vignette('who_vignette')

We will be using this package to download data on infant and under-5 mortality and exploring the merging of data sets and the split-apply-combine paradigm

You can download these data sets using the following code:

infant <- get_data('EQ_INFANTMORT')
child <- get_data('EQ_U5MORT')


  1. Understand the structure of each data set using str, and find common variables


## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    1978 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ datasource       : chr  "MICS" "MICS" "DHS" "DHS" ...
##  $ country          : chr  "Albania" "Albania" "Armenia" "Armenia" ...
##  $ year             : num  2005 2005 2000 2000 2010 ...
##  $ region           : chr  "Europe" "Europe" "Europe" "Europe" ...
##  $ gho              : chr  "Infant mortality per 1 000 live births" "Infant mortality per 1 000 live births" "Infant mortality per 1 000 live births" "Infant mortality per 1 000 live births" ...
##  $ publishstate     : chr  "Published" "Published" "Published" "Published" ...
##  $ value            : num  16.7 17 39 26 16 13 118 99 72 62 ...
##  $ residenceareatype: chr  NA "Urban" NA NA ...
##  $ wealthquintile   : chr  NA NA "Q1 (Poorest)" "Q2" ...
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    1978 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ residenceareatype: chr  "Urban" NA NA NA ...
##  $ country          : chr  "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Armenia" "Armenia" ...
##  $ region           : chr  "Eastern Mediterranean" "Eastern Mediterranean" "Europe" "Europe" ...
##  $ year             : num  2010 2010 2000 2000 2005 ...
##  $ datasource       : chr  "MICS" "MICS" "DHS" "DHS" ...
##  $ gho              : chr  "Under-five mortality per 1 000 live births" "Under-five mortality per 1 000 live births" "Under-five mortality per 1 000 live births" "Under-five mortality per 1 000 live births" ...
##  $ publishstate     : chr  "Published" "Published" "Published" "Published" ...
##  $ value            : num  86 98 41 56 23 28 126 46 150 57 ...
##  $ wealthquintile   : chr  NA "Q1 (Poorest)" "Q1 (Poorest)" "Q3" ...
  1. For both data sets, we only want to keep the national records and not data for different subsets. This means we want to keep rows with both residenceareatype and wealthquintile having missing values or NA


infant <- infant %>% filter(,
child <- child %>% filter(,
  1. We’re not interested in either the gho , datasource or publishstate columns, so omit them. Also omit the two variables you filtered on above


infant <- infant %>% select(-gho, -publishstate, -datasource, -residenceareatype, -wealthquintile)
child <- child %>% select(-gho, -publishstate, -datasource, -residenceareatype, -wealthquintile)
  1. Merge these two data sets into one, matching on appropriate columns


mortality <- infant %>% inner_join(child, by = c('region','country','year'))
  1. Rename the columns to make sense


mortality <- mortality %>% 
  dplyr::rename(infant = value.x, child = value.y)


  1. For each region, find the countries with the highest infant mortality and child mortality rates in 2000. Are they the same country for each region? Similarly find the countries with the lowest rates. (You might want to use which.max and which.min)


mortality_2000 <- mortality %>% filter(year == 2000)

mortality_2000 %>% group_by(region) %>% summarize(infant_worst = country[which.max(infant)],
                                                  child_worst = country[which.max(child)])
## # A tibble: 5 x 3
##   region                infant_worst child_worst
##   <chr>                 <chr>        <chr>      
## 1 Africa                Rwanda       Rwanda     
## 2 Americas              Haiti        Haiti      
## 3 Eastern Mediterranean Egypt        Egypt      
## 4 Europe                Armenia      Armenia    
## 5 Western Pacific       Cambodia     Cambodia
  1. For each country, find the average infant and child mortality between 1990 and 1995, also between 2000 and 2005. For each period, create one data set merging both the infant and child information (explore the different ways of using the by argument to get the best dataset).


mortality1 <- filter(mortality, year >=1990 & year <= 1995)
mortality2 <- filter(mortality, year >= 2000 & year <= 2005)

infant1 <- mortality1 %>% group_by(country) %>% summarize(infant = mean(infant, na.rm=T))
child1 <- mortality1 %>% group_by(country) %>% summarize(child = mean(child, na.rm=T))

merged1 <- inner_join(infant1, child1, by='country')
  1. Compute the average infant and child mortality rates for each region for each year in the dataset (Ignore the different populations of the countries for this exercise)


mortality_yr_region <- mortality %>% group_by(year, region) %>% 
  summarize(infant = mean(infant, na.rm=T), 
            child = mean(child, na.rm=T))
  1. Create a panel of plots, one for each indicator, where each plot shows the average value of the indicator for each region over time


mortality_yr_region_reshaped <- mortality_yr_region %>% gather(variable, value, infant, child)

ggplot(mortality_yr_region_reshaped, aes(x=year, y=value, group=region, color=region))+geom_point()+geom_line()+facet_wrap(~variable, nrow=2,scales='free_y')
  1. Create a panel of plots, one for each region, where each plot shows the average value of each indicator over time.


ggplot(mortality_yr_region_reshaped, aes(x=year, y=value, group=variable, color=variable))+geom_point()+geom_line()+facet_wrap(~region, nrow=2)